
optimization solver

今天在測試J. Duchi, S. Shalev-Shwartz, Y. Singer, and T. Chandra, "Efficient projections onto the l 1-ball for learning in high dimensions," in  Proceedings of the 25th international conference on Machine learning, 2008, pp. 272-279.
這篇論文中的projection in simplex演算法,將該算法的結果,與直接用pyomo求解比較,該問題是quadratic programming(因為objective function is to minimize Euclidean distance between original vector and projected vector, 而constraint為convex set)。

使用pyomo求解時,solver使用了cplex, gurobi, and ipopt三種,cplex, gurobi與algorithm的結果一致,而使用ipopt時,答案居然有很大的誤差,看來商用軟體還是比較穩定。